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Biased and superficial Science Fiction reviews


Copyright 2000 by John Barnes

In Association with Amazon.com In Association with Amazon.co.uk
SOJALS rating:     
one SOJALS point one SOJALS point no SOJALS point no SOJALS point no SOJALS point    Mediocre (2/5)

I read this in December 2000.

I like John Barnes, although I'm sure I get him confused with another author of a similar name. Anyway, I buy his books automatically.

This was good: biocomputing, artificial intelligence, personality alteration, lone individual fighting the world, bounty hunters (I'll have to read "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep" - yes "Blade Runner" - again now). There was even a nice plot twist - took me by surprise (but that's easy).

Currie Curtis Curran is OK in my book.

Loaded on the 31st January 2001.
Cover of Candle
Cover art by Stephen Youll

Reviews of other works by Buzz Aldrin and John Barnes:
The Return

Reviews of other works by John Barnes:
Orbital Resonance
Mother Of Storms
Kaleidoscope Century
Earth Made Of Glass
The Sky So Big And Black